Class Descriptions

Puppy Classes

Puppies eight to twenty weeks old.

Puppy Level 1

For puppies eight to 14 weeks at the start of class. Emphasis will be on socialization. Puppies are fun, but they’re also a lot of work. Come to our puppy class to learn how to get your puppy to stop stealing your socks, jumping on visitors, and pulling the leash out of your hands. We keep classes relaxed and accessible to all.

This six-week class is for puppies that are under 15 weeks at the start of class. Class will focus on socialization, appropriate puppy play, and basic manners, including look, touch, sit, down, recall, place (and beginning stay), leave it, and loose leash walking. Pups do NOT attend the first week of class. This class pairs well with our puppy play and train. See here for more details.

*Puppy must have had first round of shots prior to class (please email, text or bring records prior to first class)

Instructor: Hillary Hosford, CPDT-KA or Hilary Lemaster, CPDT-KA
Cost: $250
Length: 6 weeks


Puppy Camp

Instructor: Hilary Lemaster, CPDT-KA (Hillary Hosford , CPDT-KA or Lindsay Bryson, CPDT-KA, KSA)
Cost: $300
Length: Three days

Puppy Level 2

For puppies 14 to 20 weeks at the start of class. In this class, we will focus on developing essential life skills for puppies 14- 24 weeks.

We’ll be learning how to grow the key concepts of handler focus, developing impulse control, and learning how to disengage from distractions. These fundamental skills are the building blocks for enjoyable walks with your dog, achieving a strong recall, and creating a harmonious life together.

We’ll address common challenges such as jumping, leash walking, greetings, and household manners.

Instructor: Hillary Hosford, CPDT-KA or Hilary Lemaster, CPDT-KA
Cost: $250
Length: 6 weeks


Puppy Play and Train

Offered most Fridays from 5 to 5:40 pm

Instructor: Julis Hayes, CPDT-KA
Cost: $25
Length: 40 minute drop-in


Basic Skills Classes

For dogs over 20 weeks.

We are now offering levels in dog training, allowing you to work at your own pace. Each of these classes are six weeks, with the last class being a testing/assessment of skills. Each class will build on the skills learned in previous classes. In order to move to the next level, your dog will need to “pass” a skills test administered on the last day of class (or must have passed the Canine Good Citizen, Community Canine, etc.). If you have not taken classes with your dog, we suggest you start with “Basics Level 1”


Basics Level 1

This is a six-week basic manners class for dogs over five months, using positive reinforcement, reward-based methods only. We will learn how to teach your dog basic cues (touch, place, sit, down, stay, leave-it, coming when called, etc.). The class will also help address other issues people may be having with their dogs such as jumping, counter-surfing, excessive barking, leash pulling, etc.

This class is for dogs that are non-reactive, meaning they do not bark, lunge, etc. at passing dogs when on leash. If your dog barks and lunges at dogs on leash, please look instead at Frustrated Fido/Reactive Rover or Control Unleashed, or contact us for private training.

Instructor: Hillary Hosford, CPDT-KA or Hilary Lemaster, CPDT-KA
Cost: $250
Length: 6 weeks


Basics Level 3/Community (Advanced) Canine Good Citizen

This class will cover the skills needed for your dog to pass the Community Canine test (often called CGC-Advanced) over a six-week class (test) will be administered on the last day of class). We will teach all test items so you and your canine great citizen can take the test on the last class. Learn more about the Community Canine and test here.

Dogs must have already passed their CGC to take the Community Canine test. Dogs who have not passed their CGC need instructor permission to take this class and will not be able to test.

Instructor: Hillary Hosford, CPDT-KA
Cost: $250
Length: 6 weeks

Basics Level 2/Canine Good Citizen

This class will review the skills needed for your dog to pass the Canine Good Citizen Test. We will work on all of the test items so you and your canine great citizen can take the test on the last class. Learn more about the CGC program and test here.

Dogs must be at least 6 months and have taken The Basics (or have instructor approval). Testing is also offered without taking the class first.

Instructor: Hillary Hosford, CPDT-KA
Cost: $250
Length: 6 weeks


Basics Level 4


Classes for Adolescents and Teens

Typically for dogs between 20 weeks and two years.


Growing Pains

This is a six-week class tackling adolescence in dogs. While it is common and normal for puppies to suddenly “stop listening” and “become stubborn”, this is still aggravating for the humans! We will help you work through these issues, motivate your dog to work with you and not against you, and refresh or learn the basics of good manners (leave it, loose leash walking, recall, and no jumping). Dogs do NOT attend the first week of class. Dogs should be between 20 weeks and 2 years for the first week of class, or have instructor permission.

Instructor: Julis Hayes, CPDT-KA
Cost: $250
Length: 6 weeks


Teen Play and Train

Offered most Saturdays from 9 to 9:40 am

Instructor: Lindsay Bryson, CPDT-KA, KSA
Cost: $25
Length: 40 minute drop-in

Tenacious Teens

In this class we focus on focus-if you have your adolescent dog’s attention the world the world is your oyster. We will focus on how to communicate with your dog so that she WANTS to work with you. We will address many of the common issues that occur during adolescence including “selective hearing,” recall, leash walking, attention barking, jumping and a solid stay. All of these things have one thing in common-they require your dog to be focused on YOU and manage their energy.

Concepts will be taught using positive reward based training.

Instructor: Erica Wells
Cost: $225
Length: 5 Weeks

Pattern Games and Classes for Reactivity


Control Unleashed

Based on Leslie McDevitt’s popular books, this class is for dogs who are over-excited, shut down, loud, stubborn, or otherwise “difficult”. Control Unleashed is a program to teach you and your dog to communicate more effectively with each other. We will work through the foundational Control Unleashed exercises, including Up & Down, Take a Breath, and Look At That, in order to build your dog’s focus and skills in new, stressful situations.

This class is suitable for many reactive or barky-lungy dogs. However, it will take place largely indoors behind barriers—most dogs find the visual separation easier to cope with, while for others it makes no difference. As a starting point, dogs in this class should be able to enter a room with concealed, but sometimes vocal, dogs and take treats. If you are concerned about your dog’s suitability for this class, please email us.

Instructor: Julis Hayes, CPDT-KA
Cost: $275
Length: 6 weeks

Control Unleashed 2


Reactive Rehab

Reactive Rehab: Learn the skills and techniques needed to help your dog with barky-lungy behavior towards other dogs. This class uses a reward-based approach to set our dogs up for success and help them learn to be neutral around other dogs. This class is aimed at dogs who have reactive behavior when on-leash. Dogs who struggle in the home would benefit more from Control Unleashed. This class is appropriate both for dogs who are fearful/anxious and dogs who are overeager greeters!

If your dog has ever bitten a person or other dog, or if your dog barks and lunges at humans, please email us first to discuss suitability.

Instructor: Julis Hayes, CPDT-KA
Cost: $300
Length: 6 weeks


Sport and Specialty Classes

Mixed-Level Nosework

Scentwork has become increasingly popular because every dog has a nose! Whether you are interested in just enriching your dogs daily life, participating in Nosework trials, hunting truffles, or having your dog finds your phone or keys this introductory workshop is for you.  

Dogs of any age may participate. If your dog is reactive to dogs or people please let us know prior to signing up so that we can assess if this setting is right for your dog or if a private lesson might be a better fit.

Instructor: Erica Wells
Cost: $200
Length: 5 weeks (offered on Tuesdays and Wednesdays)

Instructor: Teresa Fay and Terri Gately
Cost: $240
Length: 6 weeks (offered on Mondays)

Beginner Nosework

Scentwork has become increasingly popular because every dog has a nose! Whether you are interested in just enriching your dogs daily life, participating in Nosework trials, hunting truffles, or having your dog finds your phone or keys this introductory workshop is for you.  

Dogs of any age may participate. If your dog is reactive to dogs or people please let us know prior to signing up so that we can assess if this setting is right for your dog or if a private lesson might be a better fit.

Instructor: Julis Hayes, CPDT-KA
Cost: $210
Length: 6 weeks (offered on Fridays and Sundays)


Gun Dog

Positive Gun Dog for sporting dogs of any age. Non-sporting breeds with instructor permission. 

This 5 week class is based on British Gun dog competitions and uses no prong or electronic collars, no force fetch. What it does offer are the foundations that all gun dogs need in their bird bag including the foundation behaviors for a solid point or sit until released to their game or taken away from their game. This class is all about managing your pups natural instinct,  building independence balanced by handler focus. An instinct test will be done at the first class on a live bird but no live birds will be utilized during this series after week one. 

Behaviors learned in this class will be helpful for living with any high energy dog. 

This class will be both indoor and outdoor, dress accordingly!

Dogs should have a solid stand or sit stay and recall of at least 20 feet for this class in an indoor setting.

Instructor: Erica Wells
Cost: $225
Length: 5 weeks


This is a four-week class entirely about having fun with your dog. We will cover some of the most popular tricks, so that you can show off your dog at the park! Those who choose can test for the AKC tricks titles on the last week of class. Dogs must have completed a basic manners class, or by instructor permission.

Instructor: Lindsay Bryson, CPDT-KA, KSA
Cost: $200
Length: 4 weeks

Agility for Fun

Instructor: Lindsay Bryson, CPDT-KA, KSA
Cost: $200
Length: 4 weeks