Puppy camp


Puppy Day Camp gives your puppy a half-day with a professional trainer. This drop-off service provides the perfect balance of all the skills most critical to creating a happy and well-behaved puppy: socialization, training, exercise, and rest. It's specifically geared toward optimizing learning during the critical development period (the first 16 weeks), promoting good manners and preventing mouthy, barky, skittish, and aggressive behaviors. We only take a small group of puppies at a time to ensure that your puppy gets the very best in personal attention!
*This service is half-day only and offered Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. It's meant to be supplemental to the training you are doing with your pup. We recommend supplementing Day Camp with our puppy class. See here.

Level: Beginner
For ages: 8-20 Weeks *max age varies from puppy to puppy - some may phase out earlier than 20 weeks
Length: 3.5 Hours, from 8:30 am to 12pm
Drop Off: 8:30 am to 9:00 am
Pick Up: 11:30 am to 12 pm *pick up must be done by 12pm. after 12pm there is a $20 charge per 15 minutes
Location: The Training Barn at Kokoro Dog
Cost: $300 for one week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)

Restrictions: For the health and safety during the early critical period, dogs who go to non-puppy specific daycare or dog parks may NOT attend day camp. 

Puppy Day Camp is a great option if you:

  • Are behind in socializing your puppy

  • Work during the day

  • Feel overwhelmed

  • Don’t have enough time

  • Need an extra boost

Each Day Includes:

  • Critical bite and aggression prevention exercises 

  • Socialization exercises

  • Positive reinforcement training for basic skills and manners

  • Structured dog-dog play

  • Nap times with crate (for rest, boundary practice, to build bladder muscles, and separation training)

Topics Covered

  • Socialization - sights, sounds, dogs, sharing resources, grooming, handling, etc.

  • Basic Training - look, touch, place, sit, down, stay, take it, drop it, come when called, leash training, greeting manners, leave it, etc.

  • Behavior Issues - jumping, chewing, play biting, potty training, crate training, shyness, general impulse control, etc.

*FIRST TIMERS: The first time your puppy attends, please be on stand-by in case this service is too much for your puppy and they need to be picked up early. Day Camp is not for every puppy.

Before Your Puppy Camp Session

Pup Requirements:

Healthy, vaccinated, & free of parasites:

  • At least one wellness check-up by your personal Veterinarian + and health approved for attending training services with Kokoro Dog

  • One set of puppy shots and one deworming given by veterinarian + 7 days, for: Distemper, Hepatitis (or Adenovirus), Para influenza, and Parvovirus. Bordetella and Leptospirosis, only if recommended by your veterinarian.

  • No diarrhea, vomiting, or coughing within 24 hours of attending Kokoro Dog training services.

  • While we don't REQUIRE a fecal, it is very important to get a fecal done for your dog to make sure that they are not carrying parasites. We strongly suggest you ask your vet to check this.

  • Check it out! Veterinarians agree that socialization should happen BEFORE completion of vaccinations! 

Shelter and rescue quarantine time:

  • Adopted pups can come to training after 10 days in their new homes and once their new veterinarian gives them a clean bill of health.

Please visit our Current Class Schedule page to sign up for Puppy Camp!